Deep Resolve

Fetch all records corresponding to the Domain Name in the request, e.g. example.tld In case the domain exists in multiple blockchains/namespace, this endpoint returns an array of all the matching records, ordered based on the NOTO scoring algorithm and/or your custom collision rule, more info here

You can also specify a Network and/or a Provider in the API call to limit the search to those specific Network/Provider.


Method: GET


Return type: ARRAY of OBJECTs

Request Example:

GET /noto/api/v1/deep-resolve?domain=example.tld&network=POLYGON&provider=FREENAME

Response Example:

  "result": true,
  "data": [
      "info": {
        "sld": "example",
        "tld": "tld",
        "smartContractAddress": "0x48Fd97F28128DBc661F62Bae6AA925b15928dDde",
        "lastUpdate": "2024-02-03T08:59:25.040Z",
        "CSAMValidation": false,
        "KYC": false,
        "tags": []
        // if any records exist, will look like this example
        "redirect.WEBSITE.0": "",
        "profile.OWNER.fullname": "John Doe",
        "record.TXT.0": "https://ex.ample/",
        "record.A.0": ""
      "domain": "cederico.metaverse",
      "network": "POLYGON",
      "provider": "FREENAME",
      "ownerAddress": "0x673c4F104F425BEB439EdeEF2e22bDFCEdAD0Ac5",
      "score": 100,
      "spam": false

Last updated